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1. What was the problem you were having before you began working with Tanya Offenburger?

I was having issues with losing weight and first stages of syndrome X (high cholesterol, high triglycerides and borderline diabetic).

2. What did the frustration feel like when you tried to solve the problem?

It would work for a bit, but the habits were still there and I wan’t able to sustain it.

3. What was different about Tanya’s approach?

Tanya actually helped me understand that eating wasn't bad at all. It is WHAT you eat that is the problem.

4. Take us to the moment when you realized Tanya’s nutritional guidance was actually working to solve your problem?

I knew it worked as the weight was coming off, energy was increasing. yet that had happened in the past with shakes and bars only. The next big thing was when I got all my labs redone. All of my labs came back better than I have ever had them in my life. So then I knew what the long term impact is and was.

5. Why you would recommend Tanya?

Because it works and it engages you and makes you independent of bars and shakes. It lets you be able to go enjoy your life.